There Is A Way
CourseFEBRUARY: Wherever you find yourself at this moment, it's okay to feel overwhelmed, lost, and confused. Connect with your core truths and create a vision for success in our first course of the year.
Pre-order available now!
Presence Is Power
CourseSUMMER 2025: Showing up is half the work. Yes, your presence is powerful and your voice matters. Go deeper into personal transformation to see what you have to offer the world... just by being you.
Pre-order available now!
Authenticity & Advocacy
CourseFALL 2025: When we look back across our lifetime, we can recognize places where we wanted to be more authentic, wanted to stand up but didn’t, or couldn’t. Authenticity is the birthplace of the advocate...
Pre-order available now!
Healing the Wounds of Life
CourseWINTER 2025: Befriend your Soul during this most vulnerable time of the year. Expand your spiritual connection with your core being, inner child, and future self by learning to begin again, start anew, and take that first next step to you.