Course curriculum

    1. We Are What We Practice

    2. The Legend of the Two Wolves

    3. The 7 Generations Rule

    4. The Hero's Journey

    5. You Are the Hero of Your Own Story

    1. Start with the Heart

    2. Automatic Negative Thoughts

    3. Two Questions that Silence Negative Thoughts

    4. Sunia

    5. You Are the Stillness

    1. Pressure Creates Diamonds

    2. The Gift of Unpleasant Emotions

    3. The Four Agreements

    4. Pass or Play

    5. Ho'oponopono - the prayer of forgiveness

    6. More to be Humble About

    1. It's A Journey

    2. Guided Visualization

    3. Let's Dive In

    4. Yogic Tools for Transformation

    1. It's All About the Climb

    2. Meditation Is Navigation

    3. Learning to Drive

    4. The Master Has Failed

About this course

  • $325.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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  • $325.00

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